Sunday, August 3, 2008


Spider the size of my face!
Elder Asuro and I the day he flew to aspen and out of my life. No worries, I'm sure we'll meet again.
Mylene Columna and Christopher Lozano!
Tolento Family. They are moving up in the most favorite family i have ever met category. They are awesome. They live on the second floor of this building and have this sweet view of the whole camalaniugan. Coconut trees and rice fields forever. Its beautiful. They only have free time at night and have no electricity so we teach them by candlelight. Pretty stellar! They have a baptismal date for Aug 30th.
This pic was just taken earlier this morning as we were riding a trike to the computer shop. You would love the forms of transpertation we roll with here in p-country. Ill try to take a few more pics to give you an idea of how we get around.

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